Business interruption insurance
Any disaster generally has an impact on the activity of the company: a drop in activity or even a total absence of turnover. expenses: payment...
Access of SMEs/VSEs to public procurement and public contracts
public contracts, works or service concessions, partnership contracts and public-private partnerships in general, etc.), as well as the guarantees and capacities (economic and financial, or technical...
Setting up a professional loan: what are the costs to be expected?
When a bank grants a bank loan to your business , it will charge several types of fees . Business loans generate, first of all, interest . They remunerate the risk taken by the establishment...
Operating civil liability insurance: presentation and interest
Operating liability insurance covers damage to third parties that may occur during the performance of the day-to-day business activity. Even if the terminologies are similar, operating liability insurance...
The criteria used by banks to grant a professional loan
When you apply for a professional bank loan , the bank will analyze the file that you submit to it. To determine its quality and level of risk, it will in particular...