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What does a professional financing application file contain?


Applications for professional bank financing are generally accompanied by several documents and supporting documents . The nature of these parts differ according to the planned project: business creation, business development, etc. Be that as it may, banking institutions generally require a business plan, but not only… Here is a file that summarizes the composition of a professional financing application file . It summarizes in particular the documents to be inserted in this file.

The main documents to include in a financing file

The funding request concerns a business creation or takeover project

A project usually requires the development of a business plan . This dossier is of particular interest to banks , both for its financial and economic aspects. You must therefore generally attach this document to your application for professional financing. Of course, be sure to adapt its content to your interlocutor. The information to be included is not the same depending on the recipient (bank, investor, partner, etc.).

To grant a business loan , a bank generally analyzes several financial indicators . It’s about :

The self-financing capacity (CAF) generated by your project,

Your personal contribution (capital and/or current account contributions),

The overall amount of the investment envisaged and therefore the financing requested.

You must ensure that you meet certain criteria before submitting your application, particularly in terms of borrowing capacity, debt ratio or contribution. The percentage of personal contributions is a particularly important parameter.

The funding request is for a specific investment

Sometimes, the realization of a business plan turns out to be useless. This is particularly the case if your request for financing concerns professional equipment (machine or vehicle for example). In this case, the main documents that you will have to attach to your request are:

A Kbis extract from your company (if it already exists),

An estimate of the property you plan to acquire,

And a copy of your annual accounts (usually the last 3).


The documents to be completed for a professional financing application

In almost all cases, banks ask companies to send them a provisional financing plan . Sometimes they require this table to be filled out in a folder they have designed themselves.

Funding applications also include a more narrative section in which you will have to present your project and highlight it. You will be able to discuss your strategy, your objectives and the means you intend to deploy to stand out from your competitors. This part may repeat all or part of your executive summary , if it is not too long. In this part, you must go to the essentials and avoid going into overly technical details.

In addition, you will have to fill in several administrative and legal information such as:

The name of your (future) company, its capital, its head office, etc.

The place of operation of the activity (if it is that of the head office),

The distribution of your rights between the partners,

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